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Fri, 28 May




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Time & Location

28 May 2021, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Shanghai, Shanghai, China

About the Event


栖观资讯(Habitat Information )是一家为全球商业决策者提供市场咨询、战略沟通及新闻资讯一体化线上媒体服务平台,总部位于中国上海,并在塞浦路斯,香港设立办事处。企业咨询核心业务在中国深耕多年,并积累10万+企业主和海内外金融机构资源,提供线上与线下超融合服务。飞羽商务(Feiyu Business)则是致力于打造中国乃至全球知名B2B业务的线下峰会平台,涉及金融,新能源,科技,汽车,通信等行业领域。两大平台以扎实努力、真诚待人、尽职尽责的品质获得了客户们的广泛好评,树立了行业新标杆


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2021 is the first year of China's 14th Five-Year Plan. It is also a crucial period for the construction of a new development pattern featuring domestic cycles as the main body and mutually reinforcing domestic and foreign cycles. Facing the new macro environment, people's demand for wealth become more diversified and three-dimensional, under the COVID-19, the influence of the intrinsic logic and the development trend of wealth management industry has experienced a big change, how to grasp the new opportunities and respond to new markets and ensure compliance steady and healthy development of the regulatory environment become the important measures for private banking and wealth management agencies walking into a new stage of development ;

This event is paying attention to learning and communication, with "new thinking, new pattern, new future" as the theme, hot topics such as full disclosure in 2021 wealth management trends, net banking transformation path and development strategy, trillion-dollar markets, how FO become a mature LP, "pain" and "solution", liquidity of super rich family inheritance , where is the road of 2021 asset allocation will be discussed together.


0800 签到

0850 开幕致辞

0900 2021年财富管理趋势大解密

· 聚焦数字化

· 把控风险,如何加强个人财富管理和保障

· 如何把握权益机会

0925 ESG投资的“义利并举”

· ESG投资策略

· 未来中国ESG投资市场新机遇

· ESG投资的商业逻辑

0950 美国大选后对投资动向的影响和预警

· 揭秘2021投资新思路,新建议

· 房地产市场影响

· 规避投资风险新预警

1015 茶歇

1030 银行业务净值化转型的路径及发展策略

· 产品创新化:重塑销售体系,增强获客能力

· 风控全面化:全面管理,注重差异

· 资源协同化:发挥优势互补效应

1055 圆桌 疫情改造私行,如何坚守创新与创造未来

· 大类资产配置内在逻辑

· 资产配置多元化转变

· 资管新规+CRS反避税

· 家族信托如何帮客户实现财富传承,风险隔离等需求?


14:00 万亿级市场,FO如何成为一个成熟的LP?

· 创一代与创二代如何完成交班换代?

· 疫情当下,如何实现资产保值增值?

· 多元化资产配置分摊投资风险

1425 数据赋能,助力“数智”私行

· 客户精细化管理、顶尖服务、多元化服务

· 客户画像“升维”

· 客户全生命周期的深度运营

1450 圆桌 超富人群的家族传承“痛”与“解”

· 创业难,守业更难,高净值人群如何顺利跨代交接?

· 家族企业财富传承的新标和趋势

· 财富传承,如何解决家族成员分歧难题?


1550 REITs的抗通胀性与普惠资产配置价值

· 优质的抗通胀资产

· 较高的配置价值

· 优秀的风险分散属性

1615 资产配置“新蓝海”礁石与机遇并存

· 房地产REITs投资

· 如何有效利用资产配置抵御市场投资风险?

· 多元化投资需求

1640 圆桌 流动性泛滥下,2021资产配置路在何方?

· 低利率下的债券投资

· 房地产与另类资产

· 全球国债利率缓慢上行,债券收益预期负面?

· 对冲基金折戟沉沙

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